
Selection and evaluation

We select the best qualities of Arabica and Robusta from different origins and we are constantly in contact with our suppliers. We evaluate the organoleptic properties of each purchased batch, that are: the year of production, the processing method (natural-washed coffee), the altitude of the cultivation area, the size of the beans, the presence of defects (black/broken beans, etc.), the color, the olfactory and gustatory properties.

The roasting process

We pay particular attention to the roasting process: the raw coffee beans open, the color changes and the aroma is released. Coffee roasting takes place with the Split Roasting technique, because each type of green coffee reacts differently to the roasting process.
The product is then stored in protected environments, inside multi-compartment silos, for a variable period of time.

The Blending

We expertly blend the different qualities of coffee.

On customer request, for the Private Label service we create customized and single-origin blends.


We make a careful analysis of the roasting performance of each production batch to evaluate the aroma, taste and body.

The packaging

Depending on the finished product to be made (pods, capsules, ground or beans), the packaging and packing phase varies, so that all the organoleptic characteristics are preserved.


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